
Is doggy daycare worth the investment?

Aug 02, 2024

Navigating the balance between your busy work schedule and caring for the needs of your beloved dog can seem like a tightrope walk. At Hounds Town, we understand the challenge of keeping up with your busy social schedule, but those puppy dog eyes can be difficult to ignore. That’s why many pet parents turn to daycare as the solution. Investing in doggie daycare offers numerous benefits for your pup, including exercise, socialization, behavioral improvements, and more.

Ultimately, determining whether doggy daycare is worth the investment depends on your specific situation and your dog’s needs. Here are a few factors to consider:

Your Schedule

On average, adult dogs need to go outside at least 3 to 5 times per day according to pet experts. While most adult dogs can typically wait 6-8 hours in between outside bathroom trips, leaving a dog alone at any age for extended periods risks accidents in the house or urinary tract infections. If you have a demanding job or a busy lifestyle that keeps you away from home, doggy daycare can provide your dog with the attention and care they need during the hours you’re away. 

Your Dog’s Personality

One of the primary benefits of doggy daycare is the socialization it offers your pet. Dogs are natural pack animals and thrive in social environments with other dogs. At daycare, your pet has the opportunity to engage in all day play with similar dogs in their packs, which can help reduce separation anxiety and has been shown to improve behavior at home. If your dog enjoys playing with other dogs and benefits from socialization, doggy daycare can be a great fit.

Behavioral Benefits

If your dog exhibits destructive behaviors or separation anxiety when left alone, the structured environment of doggy daycare can help alleviate these issues by providing constant engagement and activity. Knowing when and where they will play and interact can give dogs a sense of security and stability.

Health Benefits

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are crucial for your dog’s overall health. Doggy daycare provides a safe environment for your dog to burn off energy while building connections with other dogs. This can lead to better physical health, weight management, prevent boredom, and reduce unwanted behaviors at home.

Expert Care By Trained Staff

Doggy daycare facilities should always be staffed by trained professionals who understand canine behavior and can provide the necessary care and structure that dogs need. This ensures your dog is safe and well-cared for throughout the day. Our dog management philosophy goes beyond what you’ll find at other daycare and boarding facilities. All our staff must have extensive training on dog behavior and pack psychology; philosophies that were developed by our Founder, former NYPD police officer and K-9 officer trainer, Michael S. Gould. Our approach helps us to better understand pack dynamics and determine how to group dogs into the right playgroups. Ultimately, this provides a safer, more engaging experience for all. Learn more about our team of dog management experts.

The Costs of Doggy Daycare

The cost of doggy daycare can vary depending on location. You’ll find that purchasing daycare packages for regular attendance is a great way to save money while giving your pup the engagement they need. It’s essential to weigh the benefits against the expense. The peace of mind knowing your dog is well-cared for, happy, and healthy is invaluable.

Doggy daycare can be a great investment for many pet owners, offering numerous benefits that enhance your dog’s physical and mental well-being. While there is a cost associated, the advantages of socialization, exercise, mental stimulation, and professional care far outweigh the expense.

For more information on doggy daycare services and to find a location near you, visit Hounds Town.