Hounds Town Farmingdale Helps Foster Pup Find Home After 3 Years
A few years ago, pit mix Charlie was hit by a car. The driver never stopped. A good Samaritan found him and took him to the hospital, where he received lots of therapy for his injuries, one of which included a permanent limp. Once he recovered, he was sent to a shelter, and luckily, the shelter connected with local rescue Get a Bull and found Charlie a foster home. That’s where Hounds Town comes in!
Hounds Town Farmingdale NY
While Charlie was in foster, his foster mom would bring Charlie all the way from Connecticut to Hounds Town Farmingdale on Long Island because she knew he was comfortable there. The fully interactive doggie daycare and overnight dog boarding facility works with Get a Bull to offer discounted doggie daycare and boarding services for rescue pups in need.
It’s here where Charlie met Hounds Town Farmingdale employee Greg, who would become an important part of Charlie’s 3-year journey to finding a home. “I grew attached [to Charlie] because he spent long periods of time with us,” explains Greg. “I got permission from the rescue to take him out on my boat and to go to the preserves with him. He even came home with me and spent the night at my house.”
After Greg became involved with Get a Bull Rescue, he began fostering Charlie. “Charlie started staying with me and I would bring him to Hounds Town all the time,” says Greg. Charlie wasn’t great with other dogs, and Greg had several others at home, but Charlie always did great with the dogs at Hounds Town. “He was extremely comfortable at Hounds Town,” says Greg. “The second he met a new staff member he was jumping on them and giving them kisses. He got a lot of attention from all the staff.”
Helping a Foster Dog Find a Home
Hounds Town and the dedicated and loving staff became Charlie’s home away from home. “The excitement Charlie got running up to the building from the car was amazing to see,” says Greg. “He would run into the lobby and jump on whoever was working and then run to the door to go in the back with a huge smile on his face!” Hounds Town staff are well versed in managing all kinds of dogs and their temperaments. The doggie daycare facility does not breed discriminate, and specializes in managing dogs with physical injuries like Charlie’s.
The Dodo features Charlie’s Journey
Charlie waited 3 long years for his happy ending. His journey was complete when a couple that lived all the way out in California saw Charlie’s story and decided to take a chance on him. They drove him across the country to their new home, where they welcomed him with open arms. Although he will be terribly missed, the staff is happy they could provide Charlie with a safe place to be a dog while he waited patiently for a home. “The smile he had every time he went to Hounds Town always made me feel so good about leaving him there,” says Greg. In Charlie’s spot, another pup in need will come along 🙂
Charlie’s story was so inspiring, it was featured on the Dodo! To watch the video of Charlie’s journey, visit here!
For more information on Hounds Town, visit www.houndstownusa.com.