
Behind the Scenes of Our Pet Spa

Aug 09, 2024

Whether it’s rolling in mud, a bad case of “Frito Paws,” or a day of running around with their pals at daycare, our furry friends can get dirty and smelly. Sure, you can give them a bath at home, but dogs always seem to know what’s coming. Once you struggle to get all four paws in the tub, it’s a constant fight to keep them there without jumping out. But what about a dog spa day? Getting your dog scrubbed and pampered is easier than you think.

What is a Dog Spa?

Dog spas are not just a novelty – they’re part of a $2.1 million annual pet grooming industry. At Hounds Town, we offer an expert pet spa experience that cuts down on the stress and mess of it all. We went behind the scenes to give you an inside look at our pet spa, what we offer your furry friends, and how much it all costs, so you can find something practical to fit your needs.

The Spa Menu

Hounds Town offers a variety of pet spa services to give your dog a well-deserved freshening up:

  • Spa Bath: A thorough wash that leaves your dog clean and smelling great.
  • Nail Trimming and Grinding: Keeps your dog’s nails at a healthy length and prevents discomfort.
  • Teeth Brushing: Ensures your dog’s dental hygiene is in check.
  • Furminating: Reduces shedding and keeps your dog’s coat healthy.
  • De-matting: Removes tangles and mats for a smooth, comfortable coat.
  • And More!

*Services and prices may vary by location. Call your local Hounds Town for a quote.

 Dog with tongue hanging out in the bathtub at Hounds Town Day Spa

Why Choose Our Pet Spa?

While playing with their pack all day long, dogs are bound to get a little smelly and slobbery – a sign of a day well spent! We provide the convenience of a nice scrub for your pooch all in one place, saving you (and your back) the hassle of giving an at-home bath. At our spa, your pup will receive stress-free treatments for their skin and coat and will return home smelling great and ready to sleep off their Hounds Town Hangover!

Healthy Coat and Skin: Regular care maintains a healthy coat and skin, reducing the risk of skin conditions and infections.

  1. Nail Health: Regular nail trims not only keep the nails short but also reinforce healthy foot structure and posture, reducing the risk of infections.
  2. Look and Smell Great: Your pet will always look and smell fresh after a grooming session.
  3. Early Detection: Regular visits to the spa could result in early detection of issues with ears, skin, teeth, and more, allowing for prompt treatment.
  4. Less Shedding: Shiny, healthy, and properly brushed coats will shed less, keeping your home cleaner.

For more information on dog spa services and pricing, contact your local Hounds Town.