At Hounds Town, the mission is clear: to provide a natural pack environment through our daycare and boarding services to ensure every dog has their day—every day they’re at Hounds Town.
At Hounds Town in Wilmington, owner Scott Weikert is passionate about ensuring all dogs have the chance to play and socialize by helping to transform shelter dogs into happy, adoptable companions. Through the Hounds Town Seal of Approval Program, foster and shelter dogs are invited for three days of free daycare. This initiative not only aids in their socialization but also enhances their adoptability.
“We do it for the dogs,” Scott told WECT News. The program aims to counter the potential institutionalization of dogs that have spent extended periods in shelters. On any given week, Weikert picks up three dogs from New Hanover County Animal Control, providing them with a much-needed change of scenery and the opportunity for cage-free interaction with fellow canines at Hounds Town.
“It helps take the guesswork out of the dog someone may be adopting,” Weikert explains. Prospective owners receive a “Socialization Certificate,” affirming the dog’s compatibility with other canines.
At Hounds Town, our distinct approach to dog psychology prioritizes allowing dogs to simply be dogs, fostering natural interactions within our playrooms with minimal human intervention. Socialization is a key component of any healthy dog. Properly socialized dogs exhibit increased confidence, smoother transitions into new environments, and an overall improvement in their quality of life. For adoptable dogs, this is a gamechanger in their ability to cope and successfully transition into their new homes. We assess and group dogs based on size and energy levels, ensuring they find their ideal pack for the ultimate playtime experience.
This commitment underscores the importance of giving every animal the opportunity to thrive, socialize, and ultimately find their forever home. Hounds Town Wilmington’s dedication to this cause sets a shining example of how small gestures can lead to significant, positive change.
Learn more about Hounds Town Wilmington and join us for daycare today!